What is Vascular Disease

Vascular Disease is a condition that affects the blood flow. This may be caused due to blockage, damage or weakened blood vessels i.e. the arteries and veins.

Although everyone is aware about the manifestations, diagnosis and management of heart diseases, other vascular diseases are often overlooked as they can present with a wide variety of symptoms and signs and eventually result in increased morbidity. In fact, the magnitude of the problem of vascular diseases in our country is nearly half as that of heart diseases.

Few of the most recognized arterial vascular diseases include:

PAD is a condition that occurs when atherosclerosis (buildup of plaque) or blockage of the arteries takes place and reduces blood circulation to a specific region or organ of the body. Once the plaque worsens, it completely blocks the arteries that can damage sensitive organs. Lower limb arteries are the most commonly affected and the usual PAD symptoms are associated with leg muscles not getting enough blood. It may cause difficulty in walking first then, painful foot ulcers, infections, and even gangrene, which could require amputation. People with PAD are three times more likely to die of heart attacks or strokes than those without PAD.

Aorta is the largest artery in the body. AAA is the progressive weakening of the aortic wall that causes a balloon like bulge” within the largest artery in the abdomen. The pressure generated by every heartbeat pushing against the weakened aortic wall, causes the aneurysm to enlarge and get bigger with time. Eventually, the aneurysm becomes so large, and its wall so weak, that rupture occurs – which is the greatest danger. There is heavy, massive, uncontrollable internal bleeding that is usually fatal. herefore, the only way to break this cycle is early diagnosis that finds the AAA before it ruptures.

Carotid arteries are the arteries  which supply blood to the brain from the heart and pass on either side of the neck. These arteries sometimes become narrow due to atherosclerosis and  buildup of plaque. Overtime, small plaque particles can get dislodged and end up in the brain, causing minor strokes. These ischemic strokes are very similar to the buildup of plaque in arteries in the heart that causes heart attacks. 

The frequent vein conditions include:

Dilated and tortuous veins in the legs due to improper functioning valves are called varicose veins and can lead to ulcers or bleeding.

Clotting or thrombosis within the deep veins can lead to sudden tightness and swelling of the lower limbs, which can lead to pulmonary embolism.

(The information contained on this website is not intended, and should not be relied upon, as a substitute for medical advice or treatment. It is very important that individuals with specific medical problems or questions consult with their doctor or other healthcare professionals.)