Research Grants of Vascular Society of India

Areas of Research for in Vascular Surgery VSI Research Grants:

The following areas in Vascular Surgery:

  • Innovation in Vascular Technologies – Diagnostic/Therapeutic
  • GIS based Disease Mapping/surveillance
  • Biomedical Imaging and Processing
  • Clinical Trials
  • Disease Modelling
  •  Health System Research
  • Health Economics
  • Health Policies
  • Environmental Policies
  • Prevention and Epidomiology
  • Diagnostics
  • Palliative Care
  • Basic Vascular Biology

 VSI Research Grants

I. Venous Lymphatic Diseases – Three numbers of Rs. 1 Lakh each sponsored by M/s. Serdia Pharmaceuticals

II. Arterial Diseases – Three numbers of Rs. 1 Lakh each sponsored by  VSI


Eligibility Citeria:

  1. Full Life Member of VSI
  2. Less than 40 years of age
  3. Must have a  Guide  of Minimum 15 years of Vascular Surgery Practice
  4. Project should have been approved by the IEC of the Institution where it is carried out

5.  No objection certificates from the HOD/Head of the Institution for the candidate

6.  Topic of Interest not pursued / published elsewhere

7.  Final Year Mch/DNB candidates are not eligible to apply.


Terms and Conditions:

  • Must Fulfil the eligibility criteria
  • 25% of the Grant sanctioned initially
  • 50% of the Grant to be sanctioned in the interim period after 6 months of Research
  • Balalnce 25% of the Grant on completion
  • All vouchers /invoices/receipts to be submitted to VSI in originals at the end

Research Paper will be the sole proprietary of the VSI.  VSI has the rights to publish in IJVES.

Research paper final report to be presented by the candidate during Annual VSICON on completion after which it will be published in IJVES. The candidate has no rights to present/publish on the Research Topic in any other Conference/Journal in part / Interim report / Final report or under any other title.

The candidate receives the Grant from VSI.  Hence he is bound to VSI only,  which has the sole rights on this research and the reports.  In the event of discontinuation of the research, it is the responsibility and liability of the candidate to reimburse the Grant amount sanctioned to him completely.

Research Grant Awarded to one candidate will sign a Mou with VSI and don’t have the rights to transfer to another candidate of his own free will.

Applications to be submitted by August 31st.  There will be a selection of the top 10 papers by the Research Grant Committee;  which will go through all the applications.

The Top 10 Applicants will present in Annual VSICON Research Grant Award Session, for final selection

The decision of the Research Grant Committee and / or the Judges will be final.  The names of the selected candidates will be announced in the Annual General Body Meeting by the President – VSI.

Once awarded  neither the Title/Topic of research nor the candidates for the Topic will be changed.